
Showing posts from July, 2018

Strengths Profile and Thrively

Strengths We've been using Thrively this summer in our cluster.  First, we took a strengths assessment to find out our personal strengths. This gave insight to ourselves and our faculty about us.  Our engagement with Thrively didn't end there!  The assessment was pretty accurate! Digital Portfolios We are using it to curate our digital portfolio of our Cluster 1 work.  We will be able to share this with others such as colleges, scholarship committee, etc. who can see the artifacts and presentations of our work. Are you interested in becoming a Student Ambassador for Thrively?  This week Patrick (Head of Classroom Engagement at Thrively) came by to talk to us about Thrively and the opportunity to be a Student Ambassador.  Thrively is looking for Student Ambassadors to help more students discover their genius and thrive.  It's a great opportunity to show our leadership.  Please contact Patrick Dela Cruz - fo...

Cluster Explorations

The last two Thursdays, we heard from the lead faculty from each of the clusters.  Yesterday, Curt presented our cluster to everyone.  Below is his presentation. We're proud to be Cluster 1!! Part 2: Final slide and words

How 1+1 can equal 0, 1, 2 and 10

On Wednesday, Curt wrote the above on the board.  We learned all of the above are true.  To find out how and why, check out the explanation below.

Week 2 and 3 Photos

All photos from weeks 2 and 3 are posted on our Shutterfly site  for our time in the Computer Science and Engineering building!

Arduino Musical Instruments

On Thursday, we presented our Arduino musical instrument projects.  We designed our own musical instruments using components like, LEDs, light sensors, buttons and distance sensors.  It was a big learning experience for us to put together the hardware and software! The presentation videos, slides and demos are listed below.  Congratulations to the Faculty Choice Award winners: Skylar and Rebecah for "Lumos Music"!  Congratulations to the People's Choice award winners: Bryan U. and Ian for "Air Music"! Joseph and Wayne - "Steinway 2.0" Presentation | Demo Ishaan and Zara - "Distanceometer" Presentation | Demo Alina and Giana - "Music Box" Presentation | Demo Brian W. and Sandy - "Meme Machine" Presentation | Demo Brian U. and Ian - "Air Music" Presentation | Demo Brian P. and Jackie - "Bananiano" Presentation | Demo Rebecah and Skylar -...

Image Processing Project

On Thursday, we presented our image processing projects.  We had to do an image manipulation.  We programmed in Jython to do our "photoshopping".  The "Faculty Choice" award was Balloons by Ishaan and Kristen.  The "People's Choice" award went to Alina and Brian P. for their Mother Russia image. Below are our videos of the presentation we gave in lab to our cluster, a link to our presentation slides and the images (before and after). Anika and Joseph - Trippy Minion and Lit Birds - Presentation Slides Before Images After Images ***************************************************************** Brian W. and Jackie - COSMOS Beaches   - Presentation Slides Before Images After Images ***************************************************************** Ishaan and Kristen - Balloons   - Presentation Slides Before Image After Image/Video ***********************************************...